Mar 23 , undefined

This is what Apple’s Renew program gives you when you recycle old iPhones and 10 More

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This is what Apple's Renew program gives you when you recycle old iPhones

Apple customers who recycle old iPhones will be awarded with a gift of thanks at retail stores, but don't expect to get credit to buy more stuff.

Donald Trump threatens to 'spill the beans' on Ted Cruz's wife over Melania ad

Donald Trump tweeted on Tuesday evening that he would "spill the beans" on GOP rival Ted Cruz's wife over an ad using photos from Melania Trump's photoshoot with GQ.

Where pot is legal, more black people still go to jail for marijuana

African-Americans are still getting busted more than whites for marijuana in states that have made it legal.

What's coming to (and expiring from) Netflix in April


Kanye West at a Justin Bieber concert is the happiest Kanye West

He's never been more excited.

Chelsea Handler sent Reese Witherspoon a naked selfie for her birthday

Nice socks, Chelsea.

Donald Trump: Brussels is a 'disaster city'

Trump said he would support using waterboarding to get information from terrorism suspects.

Trump and Clinton take Arizona, but Sanders and Cruz put up a fight

The presidential contest turned into a clash of would-be commanders in chief.

A 'Harry Potter' fan asked his boyfriend to marry him with an IRL Golden Snitch

How's this for a magical proposal?

Starbucks will start donating 100% of its unused food to those in need

If you've ever wondered where all those bistro boxes go after closing time, here's an answer you can get behind.

Ted Cruz calls for police to 'patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods' after Brussels attack

Ted Cruz calls for police to "patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods" in the wake of the Brussels terrorist attacks.

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