Archive for November 06, 2016


Donald Trump's war on LGBTQ people has already begun and 10 More

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Yoko Ono issues a completely Yoko Ono statement on Trump victory

No one else could have tweeted this.

Stephen Colbert doesn't pull punches with President-elect Trump

The gloves are off, and it's glorious.

This Scottish newspaper really didn't hold back with their Trump front page

"Yes folks, they really did do it!"

Facebook just changed this controversial ad category—but not entirely

The change comes after backlash online.

Who you can blame for this election, in a helpful chart

Go ahead and make your own, it feels pretty good.

Hey 2016, here are all the times you sucked in one image

You're the worst.

Kids write messages on pavement in chalk outside Hillary HQ

Two days after Hillary Clinton's shocking election day loss, children gathered outside her campaign headquarters to write words of thanks on the sidewalk.