Jan 27 , undefined

Young reader sick of 'white boys and dogs' starts literary movement and 10 More

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Young reader sick of 'white boys and dogs' starts literary movement

This 11-year-old New Jersey student started a campaign called 1000 Black Girl Books, which collects books where black girls are the main characters.

Justin Bieber's underwear is art in new Calvin Klein ads

Justin Bieber tweeted the latest photo from his Calvin Klein partnership, and it's pure art.

Blake Griffin breaks hand — reportedly while punching Clippers employee

Blake Griffin is out for up to six weeks after breaking his hand while reportedly punching a Clippers equipment manager.

Donald Trump says he's skipping Fox News' debate due to 'wise guy press release'

The GOP frontrunner made good on his threat, saying he's skipping Thursday's debate.

Ricky Gervais sends deeply erotic birthday message to Ellen

Ricky Gervais has shared a "Happy Birthday" message with Ellen Degeneres on Twitter.

Jennifer Lopez accidentally splits pants in front of a packed audience

We got a glimpse of Jenny from the Block's moneymaker, thanks to a Las Vegas wardrobe malfunction.

This video powerfully reminds the ad industry that women are not objects

A new video tackles how women are depicted in ads -- and it's using a simple Google search to start the conversation.

A Denver Bronco tried to rub his nuts on Tom Brady's face

Nothing says Super Bowl season like a story involving Tom Brady and balls.

One Direction release surprise 'History' video following hiatus

One Direction dropped a surprise video for the group's love letter to their fans, "History."

'Harry Potter' fan theory links Dursleys to the Deathly Hallows

Redditor iShootWithACamera proposed a 'Harry Potter' fan theory that the Dursleys' Christmas gifts to Harry may have been parallels for the Deathly Hallows.

Man forces UK film censors to watch 10 hours of paint drying

Charlie Lyne has submitted a 10 hour film of paint drying to the British Board of Film Classification in order to protest censorship.

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