Jul 15 , undefined

PSA Fail: Kid's Gambling Dad Gets Rich Betting on Germany World Cup Win and 10 More

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PSA Fail: Kid's Gambling Dad Gets Rich Betting on Germany World Cup Win

This anti-gambling PSA made a bad bet by picking Germany as the focus of its World Cup campaign.

Relive 4 Glorious World Cup Weeks in 4 Emotional Minutes

If you need us we'll be standing outside the World Cup's bedroom window with a boom-box while blasting Peter Gabriel and proclaiming our eternal love.

5 Tips to Work Smarter, Not Harder

The more efficiently you run your day-to-day business affairs, the more time you have for other important tasks. Here are some ways to get ahead.

Nike Salutes Derek Jeter's Baseball Legacy in Sweet Ad

In honor of Derek Jeter's retirement from baseball, the Jordan brand released a sweet video entitled "RE2PECT."

Man Creates Slick Ad to Sell Crappy 1999 Car

An Australian man made an incredible video to sell his three-door Barina hatchback.

German Newspapers Had a Field Day With the World Cup Win

Here's how the German media celebrate their country's fourth World Cup title win.

After World Cup, Brazil Asks: Was It Worth It?

Brazilians praise the country's enthusiasm, hospitality and what turned out to be a dramatic and unforgettable World Cup.

This Epic World Cup's True Legacy? Hopefully, Not Soccer

The 2014 World Cup was a true soccer classic -- but hopefully its lasting legacy won't have much to do with sports at all.

Golf Ball-Sized Hail Pummels Russian Beach [VIDEO]

Beach-goers in Russia were surprised when their picture-perfect sunny day was ruined by a quick-moving cold front and hailstorm.

This Guided Bullet Won't Take No For an Answer

DARPA has released video of a new kind of guided bullet that can change direction in mid-flight.

6 Questions About Ebola, Answered

A incurable disease with a 90% fatality rate has killed nearly 600 people in western Africa. Here's what you want to know about Ebola.

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