Apr 3 , undefined

4 Dead, Including Shooter, After Gunman Opens Fire at Fort Hood and 10 More

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4 Dead, Including Shooter, After Gunman Opens Fire at Fort Hood

This story is developing. It was updated most recently at 11:15 p.m. ET on April 2. Highlights: 3 things you need to know now A soldier opened fire at the Fort Hood Army comple...

Amazon Fire TV vs. Apple TV vs. Roku 3 vs. Chromecast

How the Amazon Fire TV set-top box stacks up to the Apple TV, Roku 3 and Google Chromecast.

This Is the 'How I Met Your Mother' Finale We Deserved [VIDEO]

If you're still reeling from the twists and turns of Monday's series finale of 'How I Met Your Mother,' this video might help soothe your rom-com woes.

Amazon Introduces Fire TV Set-Top Box, Gaming Console Hybrid

Amazon launched into the video hardware business with a set-top device called Amazon Fire TV for $99, a small flat box with a remote control.

The Affordable Desk That Could Make Standing at the Office Mainstream

Stand Desk starts at $400, can be used at sitting or standing height and adjusts at the press of a button.

Blogger Pulls Off $30,000 Sting to Get Her Stolen Site Back

For several days last week, RamshackleGlam.com –- the domain name that I have owned and operated since March of 2010 –- did not belong to me, but rather to a man who goes by the...

USA vs. Mexico: What You Need to Know for Wednesday's World Cup Tuneup

In a match that doesn't count but definitely matters, the United States takes on Mexico on Wednesday night for some World Cup prep.

Makeup Ads Reveal True Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep [VIDEO]

Dermablend's latest inspirational make up ad asks their models to remove their make up to reveal their true selves.

NASA Cuts Ties With Russia's Space Agency — Except on the ISS

NASA will suspend some contracts with the Russian Federal Space Agency. They will reportedly continue working together on the International Space Station, where both Russian and...

Amazon Introduces Fire TV Set-Top Box, Gaming Console Hybrid

Amazon launched into the video hardware business with a set-top device called Amazon Fire TV for $99, a small flat box with a remote control.

Yep, David Ortiz's Selfie With Obama Was a Samsung-Branded Stunt

That David Ortiz selfie with President Obama? It was a Samsung marketing stunt.

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