Jan 7 , undefined

Snapchat CEO Reveals Why He Rejected Facebook's $3 Billion Offer and 10 More

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Snapchat CEO Reveals Why He Rejected Facebook's $3 Billion Offer

Snapchat's CEO opens up about his meetings with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and why he isn't selling the company.

24 Things to Cheer You Up on the Most Depressing Day of the Year

Today is the most depressing day of the year. Cheer up with random things guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

Connected Underwear Will Turn You On

Ladies, your lacy underwear is about to get a whole lot smarter.

Old Spice Commercial Is Every Man's Worst Nightmare [VIDEO]

Old Spice tends to skirt the fine line between weird-funny and just plain weird. This weekend, it may have tipped more towards the latter.

10 Reasons to Switch Back to a Flip Phone

Here, we make an impenetrable case for switching back to flip phones.

The 8 Hottest Tech Jobs of 2014

From software engineers to chief digital officers, these are some of the most popular tech jobs forecasted for 2014.

7 Things You Didn't Know About Marissa Mayer

We can't seem to get enough of Marissa Mayer. Here are seven lesser-known facts about Yahoo's CEO.

Michael Bay Flees Stage at Samsung Press Conference

Director Michael Bay is one of the hottest names in Hollywood, with a string of blockbusters such as Armageddon and Transformers to his credit. But he didn't fare so well on sta...

How to Watch the BCS Championship Online

Are you -- yes, you! -- wondering how to watch the BCS Championship online? Wonder no more.

'House of Cards' Season 2 Trailer Exposes Some Deep, Dark Secrets [VIDEO]

Powerful enemies threaten to expose Frank Underwood's dirty laundry in future episodes of Netflix's "House of Cards," reveals a new trailer for season two.

'SNL' Hires First Black Female Cast Member in 7 Years

After holding auditions in December to find a black female to add to the Saturday Night Live cast, producers have hired Sasheer Zamata, SNL told Mashable.

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