Apr 23 , undefined

Will Automated Cars Save Fuel?

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Monday, April 23, 2012
The Ultimate Digital Customer Service Guide
10 Uses of Google Earth That Have Made Positive Impacts on the World
Valve's Hilarious Employee Handbook Reveals Amusing Secrets [VIDEO]

Will Automated Cars Save Fuel?
2:11:30 AM
Information technology is transforming cars faster than anyone expected, and it can do more than let drivers update their statuses on Facebook. It could also save them a lot of fuel. These days, the design and control of more fuel-efficient...

10 Uses of Google Earth That Have Made Positive Impacts on the World
Sunday, April 22, 2012 6:46 PM
When Google acquired Keyhole -- the tool that would become Google Earth -- in 2004, the company believed it would become the ultimate video game. Google thought travelers could peruse potential vacation destinations and movie makers could use the...

Music Festival Tech Changes Drastically Since Woodstock [INFOGRAPHIC]
Sunday, April 22, 2012 1:29 PM
Concerts have changed a lot since the Woodstock days of the late 1960s. Here's an infographic that compares how technology is used by fans at music festivals such as the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in California compared to the...

Happy Earth Day! Celebrate With Google Doodles [PICS]
Sunday, April 22, 2012 12:40 PM
Happy Earth Day! April 22 is the anniversary of the modern environmental movement, dating back to 1970. With a billion people a year marking the occasion, it's described as the "largest civic observance in the world." Boasting 22,000 partners in...

This Olympic Moms Video Will Make You Cry
Sunday, April 22, 2012 9:08 AM
As athletes get ready to take the global stage during the London 2012 Olympic Games less than 100 days away, Procter & Gamble has released a new ad praising mothers worldwide. Press play and cue the waterworks. In three days, the video has...

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